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- M. Straßer, K. Rothermel, C. Maihöfer
Reliable Agents for Electronic Commerce
In: W. Lamersdorf, M. Merz (eds). Trends
in Distributed Systems for Electronic
Commerce (TREC'98), LNCS 1402, Springer-Verlag, 1998,
pp. 241-253
- C. Maihöfer, K. Rothermel
Multicast Acknowledgment Trees
1.GI-Workshop Multicast - Protokolle und Anwendungen,
Braunschweig, 1999
- K. Rothermel, C. Maihöfer
Robust and Efficient Mechanism for Constructing Multicast
Acknowledgment Trees
Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Computer
Communications and Networks (IEEE ICCCN 99), 1999
- C. Maihöfer
Improving Multicast ACK Tree Construction with the Token
Repository Service
Proceedings of the 2000 ICDCS Workshop on Group Computation and Communication, 2000
- C. Maihöfer
Scalable and Reliable Multicast ACK Tree Construction with the Token
Repository Service
Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON 2000), 2000
- C. Maihöfer, K. Rothermel, N. Mantei
A Throughput Analysis of Reliable Multicast Transport Protocols
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer
Communications and Networks (IEEE ICCCN 2000), 2000
- C. Maihöfer
A Bandwidth Analysis of Reliable Multicast Transport Protocols
Second International Workshop on Networked Group Communication (NGC 2000), 2000
- C. Maihöfer
The Token Repository Service:
A Universal and Scalable Mechanism for
Constructing Multicast Acknowledgement Trees
Multimedia Internet Broadcasting: Quality, Technology, and Interface, chapter 11, Springer, 2001
- C. Maihöfer, K. Rothermel
Optimal Branching Factor for Tree-Based Reliable Multicast Protocols
2001 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS)
- C. Maihöfer, K. Rothermel
A Delay Analysis of Reliable Multicast Protocols
2001 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS)
- C. Maihöfer, K. Rothermel
A bandwidth analysis of tree-based reliable multicast protocols
2001 International Symposium on the Convergence of IT and Communications (ITCom)
- C. Maihöfer, K. Rothermel
A Delay Analysis of Generic Multicast Transport Protocols
2001 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2001) (former IEEE Multimedia Systems)
- J.-U. Klöcking, C. Maihöfer, K. Rothermel
Reducing Multicast Inter-Receiver Delay Jitter - A Server Based Approach
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Networking (ICN 2001)
- J.-U. Klöcking, C. Maihöfer, K. Rothermel
A Smart Card Based Solution to Minimize Inter-receiver Delay Jitter
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computer
Communications and Networks (IEEE ICCCN 2001), 2001
- C. Maihöfer, K. Rothermel
A Delay Analysis of Tree-based Reliable Multicast Protocols
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computer
Communications and Networks (IEEE ICCCN 2001), 2001
- C. Maihöfer, K. Rothermel
Optimal Branching Factor for Tree-based Reliable Multicast Protocols
Computer Communications, vol. 25, no. 11-12, pages 1018-1027, Elsevier, 2002
- C. Maihöfer
A Delay Comparison of Reliable Multicast Protocols: Analysis and Simulation Results
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2003)
- C. Maihöfer, Walter Franz, Reinhold Eberhardt
Stored Geocast
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2003)
- C. Maihöfer
Bandwidth Analysis and Simulation of Reliable Multicast Transport Protocols
Telecommunication Systems Journal, Vol. 23, No. 1,2, p. 201-237, 2003
- C. Maihöfer, M. Bechler
Design Alternatives for IP in Vehicles
The 57th IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC 2003)
- Christoph Barz, Matthias Frank, Hong-Yong Lach, Christian Maihöfer, Alexandru Petrescu, Markus Pilz, Laslo Zombik
Network Access Control in OverDRiVE Mobile Networks
12th IST Summit on Mobile and Wireless Communications, Aveiro, Portugal, June 15-18, 2003
- C. Maihöfer, Reinhold Eberhardt
Virtual Traffic Signs: A Geocast Enabled Service for Ad Hoc Networks
Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks, Bern, Switzerland, 2003
- C. Maihöfer and Christian Cseh and Walter Franz
Performance Evaluation of Stored Geocast
The 58th IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Orlando, oct 2003
- C. Maihöfer, Luca Coletti
CarTALK 2000: Results of communication technology and applications for automotive
Invited presentation at IEEE VTC 2004-Spring, 17.-19.05.2004, Milan, Italy
- C. Maihöfer, Reinhold Eberhardt
Time-stable Geocast for Ad Hoc Networks and its Application with Virtual Warning Signs
Special issue of Computer Communications, 27(11), 1065-1075, 2004, Elsevier
- C. Maihöfer, Reinhold Eberhardt, Elmar Schoch
CGGC: Cached Greedy Geocast
Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communication (WWIC), Germany, 13-25, 2004, Springer
- C. Maihöfer
A Survey of Geocast Routing Protocols
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 32-42, Q2 2004
- C. Maihöfer, Reinhold Eberhardt
Geocast in Vehicular Environments: Caching and Transmission Range Control for Improved Efficiency
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), jun 2004, 951- 956, Parma, Italy
- T. Leinmüller and C. Maihöfer and Alexandru Petrescu and Cristophe Janneteau
Routing Table Management for Mobile Router
International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation (WIT), Hamburg, Germany, mar 2004
- W. Franz and C. Wagner and C. Maihöfer and H. Hartenstein
FleetNet: Platform for Inter-Vehicle Communications
International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation (WIT), Hamburg, Germany, mar 2004
- T. Leinmüller and C. Maihöfer and Alexandru Petrescu and Michal Wolf
Local Route Optimization for Visiting Mobile Nodes in Mobile IPv6 Networks
13th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Lyon, France, jun 2004
- C. Maihöfer and T. Leinmüller and Reinhold Eberhardt
Improving the Usable Capacity of Ad Hoc Networks
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS), 14. ITG/GI-Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2005) Kaiserslautern, Germany, 28. Februar - 3. März 2005
- T. Leinmüller and Frank Kargl and C. Maihöfer and Elmar Schoch
Influence of Falsified Position Data on Geographic Ad-Hoc Routing
ESAS 2005, 2nd European Workshop on Security and Privacy in Ad hoc and Sensor Networks, Visegrad, Hungary, July 13-14, 2005
- M. Gerlach and C. Tittel and C. Maihöfer and B. Bochow
Secure Wakeup on WLAN for Car to Home Applications - MagicPackets for Wireless
in: Dr. Onur Altintas , Dr. Wai Chen , Proceedings of V2VCOM 2005,
First International Workshop on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications (V2VCOM), San Diego, USA, 21 July
- C. Maihöfer and T. Leinmüller and Elmar Schoch
Abiding Geocast: Time-Stable Geocast for Ad Hoc Networks
Second ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET 2005), Cologne, Germany, September 2, 2005
- T. Leinmüller and Elmar Schoch and Frank Kargl and C. Maihöfer
Improved Security in Geographic Ad Hoc Routing through Autonomous Position Verification
Third ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET 2006), Los Angeles, California, USA, September 29, 2006.
- T. Leinmüller and C. Maihöfer and Elmar Schoch
Security Issues and Solution Concepts in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
The Fourth Annual Conference on Wireless On demand Network Systems and Services (WONS), January 24th to 26th, 2007, Obergurgl, Austria.
- T. Leinmüller, Elmar Schoch, F. Kargl and C. Maihöfer
Decentralized Position Verification in Geographic Ad Hoc Routing
Security and Communication Networks 2010; 3:289-302, Wiley and Sons, 2010.
- M. Necker, C. Maihöfer and M. Stümpfle
Fernkonfiguration und Fernabfrage von Fahrzeugdaten am Beispiel der
Daimler Elektrofahrzeugflotte
A2A - Apps to Automotive, 2. Fachtagung, 12. und 13. Juli 2011
- M. Stümpfle, C. Maihöfer, M. Necker and Ottokar Kulendik
Das Fahrzeug in der Cloud: Cloud-basiertes Infotainment und Fernkonfiguration im
Mercedes-Benz F125!
A2A - Apps to Automotive, 2. Fachtagung, 16. Mai 2012
- C. Maihöfer
Vehicle Homepage - a mobile portal to access your car from a Smartphone
5th International Conference on Connected Vehicles, Berlin, 23. - 25. April 2012
- Simon Gansel, Christian Maihöfer, Stephan Schnitzer, Frank Duerr, Kurt Rothermel
Towards Virtualization Concepts for Novel Automotive HMI Systems
International Embedded Systems Symposium, IESS 2013,
Paderborn, Germany, June 17-19, 2013
- Simon Gansel, Stephan Schnitzer, Ahmad Gilbeau-Hammoudy, Viktor Friesen, Frank Dürr, Kurt Rothermel, Christian Maihöfer
An Access Control Concept for Noval Automotive HMI Systems
ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT),
London, Canada, June 25-27, 2014
Other Publications
- K. Rothermel, C. Maihöfer
Robust and Efficient Mechanism for Constructing Multicast
Acknowledgment Trees
Technical Report 1999/07, University of Stuttgart, 1999
- C. Maihöfer, K. Rothermel
Constructing Height-Balanced Multicast Acknowledgment Trees
with the Token Repository Service
Technical Report 1999/15, University of Stuttgart, 1999
- C. Maihöfer
Poster Presentation, First International Workshop on Network Group Communication, 1999
- C. Maihöfer, K. Rothermel
A Delay Analysis of Tree-based Reliable Multicast Protocols
Technical Report 2001/03, University of Stuttgart, 2001
My Ph.d. thesis
You can find it at bookshops
or online.

© 2015 by Christian Maihöfer
EMail: christian at maihoefernet dot de
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